4757 York Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90042
Enter the colorful world of a queer chosen family of five monsters. These siblings are inseparable, always supporting each other and just trying to make it through each day.
When Ash goes out on a quest of self discovery, the group tries to muster on without them, but feel like they are missing a piece of themselves. In preparation for Ash's return, the group decides to throw a surprise party.
What was supposed to be a joyous reunion turns red when an evil being that was unleashed on Ash’s journey tags along. This being is fixated on isolating and killing each of the monsters one by one.
Ash is determined to protect their family, fighting back against the relentless foe.
Red Night is a slasher film set in a suburban home, where a human killer stalks five colorful monsters. Each room of the house is a different monochromatic color, and as the monsters move through the space, they change color with each room.
The film highlights the helplessness of individualism through the narrative of a slasher film. In typical slasher fashion, victims are pursued and killed when they are on their own, but when the characters are together they are able to counter the seemingly indestructible killer.
It is the power of community and coming together that is manifested in an exhibition within the film. Ten artists were invited to make works that adorn the walls of the monochromatic rooms in the film.
"Beck+Col’s Red Night is a critique of neoliberal capitalism and the kind of rugged individualism associated with it…the film weaves influences from horror cinema, pop culture, and political theory into a blood-and-guts-soaked phantasmagoric parable about the importance of communal solidarity." Matt Stromberg in Hyperallergic
“Many [Another Hole in the Head Film Festival] entries this year aim for cult-movie cache, some straining pretty hard for that quirkiness. Probably the most singular and successful among them is this 71-minute whatsit…A bit Eraserhead, a bit Vegas in Space, a lot WTF, this vividly colored, dialogue-free oddity featuring works from numerous visual artists is a true original.” 48Hills San Francisco